Initial ideas about Major Project
Firstly, I have considered the subject of my major project, so I thought out three concepts for my project. I needed to choose one among these.
Idea① : By country classification
- I want to divide the room designs by country, such as traditional interior of Japan, Korea, the UK and so on.
- I think there are distinguishing factors in each country.
- For example, a Japanese floor mat, fireplace, carpet and so on.
Idea② : By natural phenomenon
- There are much natural phenomenon, for example, drought, tsunami and thunderbolt.
- I also want to combine with the characters of climate, such as tropical rain forest(an Amazon), oceanic climate and temperate climate.
- I will design 10 different rooms by using those image into the wallpaper or fabric.
Idea③ : By age & gender classification
- I divided the age to 5 classifications
- I will make 5 different girls & women rooms by age and 5 different boys & men rooms by age.
- There are many different things for different age and gender, so I thought if I made distinctive rooms for these people, it would be interesting try and I could make practical interior designs.
- classification
(5~8years old)
(9~19years old)
(20~30years old)
(20~30years old)
(30~50 years old)
(older than 50years old)
I chose the last idea because I thought if I choose this concept, I can make more wide and pragmatic interior designs for people who want to live their own suitable rooms.
I will keep on making the process after making specific plans and ideas.
I don't really understand your idea from this post perhaps you need to explain this a little better in an introduction